Can you please provide some insight into your educational and professional background?
My name is Rasmus Tofte Klinkvort, and I am a consultant for NGI. I did my master’s and PhD at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Both my master’s thesis and my PhD were about centrifuge modelling of laterally loaded monopiles in the sand. Therefore, offshore wind development has followed me since my early studies, and today, my work concentrates on this both as a consultant and researcher.
How or why did you join the FRONTIErS network?
A big part of a PhD project is developing a professional network. The FRONTIErS network is perfect for this, and I am thrilled to participate.
From your perspective, what are the primary benefits of participating in an MSCA doctoral network?
The network facilitates cooperation, and this is a significant advantage. Having a leg in consultancy and research, I see how consultancy projects with a large team often amplify our knowledge. Research is usually concentrated on individuals, and it can be challenging to get feedback on ideas. The network will amplify our research in a similar way that I see in consultancy projects. It also expands the professional network for me and the students, which is a great opportunity.
Looking ahead, how do you envision the evolution of the FRONTIErS network by the conclusion of the programme?
The network can be the first step in cooperation between students and supervisors and between the different universities and institutes involved in the program.