Dayu Yang
I am a Ph.D. candidate at TU Delft. I received my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Geo-Engineering from Southeast University.
His research topic is the axial resistance of pipe piles driven in high-strength soils.
I always loved mathematics when I was a child. Experiments and empirical methods are nice, but math excites me most. As an engineer, I am delicate to solving engineering problems by math.
Fortunately, here is a project that could provide me with a platform where I could enjoy math and a position where I could rely on math.

The Axial resistance of pipe piles driven in high strength soils
Recent CPT design methods provide reliable estimates of the separate components of axial resistance, namely the shaft and base resistance of piles in either sand or clay. In the offshore environment many piles are installed in mixed deposits, in the North Sea, high-strength sands are often interbedded with clay lenses, whilst at many locations offshore France, Scotland and Ireland, superficial deposits are underlain by rock. The bearing capacity and stiffness of piles installed in these soils are highly uncertain. This project will focus on (i) interpretation of a series of instrumented pile load tests on piles installed in dense Pleistocene sands with interbedded stiff clay layers tested in the Maasvlakte 2 area of the North Sea, in the Port of Rotterdam.(ii) Advanced finite element analyses will be performed investigating the impact of stiff clay lenses embedded in sand, or fractured rock profiles on the axial resistance and stiffness of open-ended piles.