Anteneh Masresha Zerihun
I am Anteneh Masresha, a 31-year-old Civil/Geotechnical Engineer from Ethiopia. I hold a Master of Science in Geotechnical Engineering from Addis Ababa Institute of Technology and have been working as an Engineering Team Leader for the Ethiopian Roads Administration.
I have recently started a Ph.D. candidate position at NTNU for a project within Frontiers DN. My research project is “MULTI-LOAD” Influence of multi-directional loading on stiffness and strength degradation under monotonic and cyclic conditions for monopoles which involves numerical and experimental modeling to understand the behavior of monopile foundations under such loadings. The project will additionally explore the load-interaction effects for a range of emerging monopile geometries.

Influence of multi-directional loading on stiffness and strength degradation under monotonic and cyclic conditions for monopiles
This project will develop a 1:20 experimental model of a monopile in a 4m x 4m x 3m test bed filled with dry sand. The pile will be monotonically loaded to failure with multi-directional loading applied to assess the influence on the stiffness and strength properties. The accumulation of deformation under one-way and multi-directional load cycling will also be tested for a range of load eccentricities. The project will additionally focus on load-interaction effects for a range of emerging monopile geometries (decreasing L/D ratios).