Xiuzhe Wang
I am a PhD student of Prof. Ken Gavin. My previous research interest was to study the effects of soil consolidation and spatial variability on the elastic behavior of spudcans foundations. His main research project in the FRONTIErS project is the cyclic response of offshore pile foundations.
After learning more about it, I found that the FRONTIErS is very high quality for the training and education of doctoral candidates, and it was the best choice for me to join this project. At the same time, I like to communicate and collaborate, which aligns with the philosophy of the FRONTIErS DN.

Effect of cyclic loading on axial capacity of pile
This project will investigate the mechanical response of offshore foundations (monopiles and anchors for floating structures) under cyclic loads. A particular focus will be on cyclic tension loading and the influence of mean cyclic load and the cyclic amplitude on the stiffness and axial capacity will be investigated. The potential beneficial effects of ageing will be considered. The use of ground improvement techniques to increase the foundation performance will be investigated. The employment of these techniques is expected to increase the service life of both new and existing offshore structures. This is expected to reduce the costs and to improve the sustainability of offshore structures for renewable energy production, thus facilitating the energy transition. Particular attention will be given to the behaviour of the improved soil, potentially damaged by the application of a large number of load cycles. This project will include model tests in the centrifuge on a range of foundation geometries, full-scale tests and cyclic element testing on improved soils.