Can you provide a brief introduction of yourself and your project within the FRONTIErS DN?
I am a Civil Engineer and I have worked on calculations for steel towers and their foundations against wind loading. My PhD subject thesis will be about Robust foundation modelling accounting for varying soil conditions over an offshore turbine lifetime.
What motivated you to apply to FRONTIErS DN?
I am interested in research and development. I felt that my knowledge of steel structures was quite good and I wanted to broaden my horizons and start to learn more about foundations. Since I already have some work experience, I think that doing a PhD in an industry stakeholder together is a good fit for me.
What drives your passion for the work you have done so far and the work you will do within FRONTIErS?
I find interesting the interaction of many subjects and aspects on projects and OWT projects: the soil recognition influences the foundations, that shape the steel structure and that affects the budget and price of the project.